
The question of questions… the game changer… the night starter that is the question of, “Are we drinking beer or wine tonight?” Each path so very different as they both open and close different doors that will determine how your night will go! Understanding this can be a very crucial decision many of us will

Ideas for a DIY Mini Bar

Saturday, 18 April 2015 by

Imagine:  A long day at work, a frustrating commute home… you really just want to come home and relax with a drink. Now, imagine how much better it would be to unwind as you make your drink at your very own minibar? Sounds better, no? Now, what if I told you it is really not

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It’s almost that time of the year again – Beer Garden Season! Many cities across the nation are beginning to gear up for another season of summertime beer gardens and I’m sure it’s safe to say we are not alone when to say… we can hardly wait! As a matter of fact, the trend for

Beer VS Light Beer: When to Drink Each

Thursday, 16 April 2015 by

When you and your friends go out, there is always some sort of divide when it comes to ordering drinks at the bar. The biggest difference we see comes down to the great divide between who ordered the light beer… and who did not. If you’re the one who got the light beer, I’m sure

The Vodka in Russia

Tuesday, 07 January 2014 by

One New Year’s Eve 2014 I had the awesome opportunity to visit Moscow, Russia! While I was there, I did a lot of site seeing around the vast city but one thing that really caught my eye was the vodka. Of course there is already the general stereotype about Russians and their beloved vodka, but

Street Food is the Best Drunk Food

Tuesday, 07 January 2014 by

Street food… you mean drunk food? With the food truck frenzy taking over all across the country, many truck owners can now cashing in on your night out with your friends. Now, let’s think on this for a second… it’s late, the bars are beginning to clear out and you and your friends step outside to

Miami Drinks Pack a Punch!

Tuesday, 07 January 2014 by

Given the nature of this blog, I hope you all anticipated I’m about to tell you where to go drink (when you’re not ordering it to you from @BeerRightNow that is). Around this time last year was when I hopped on a steel bird to see what Miami had to offer. One thing they made

Chicago-style steakhouse experience

Tuesday, 07 January 2014 by

A longstanding name in Chicago’s steak scene, this classic local joint has been providing a true Chicago-style steakhouse experience since 1941. The secret? Stiff drinks and big plates of red meat, cooked to perfection. Whether you’re meeting (meating?) a longtime friend at the bar or celebrating a family event, you’re leaving as well hydrated as

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Back when we were kids and watched the adults snack on bougie Brie and baguettes, we had our cheesy Ritz Bits. We kept it real. And unlike other slightly unnatural, orange favorites from the ‘90s (hey Pamela Anderson!), Ritz Bits have held up to the test of time. They’re still delicious. And guess what? They’re

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