Hack Your Life: Coolers

by / Monday, 01 July 2019 / Published in Random Ravings, Take a break!

During the summer there’s one thing you know you’ll be using regularly: an ice chest. These glorious inventions allow you to bring all those delicious drinks and snacks on the go. Everyone can use a cooler; it’s about as easy and functional as it gets. However, sometimes you end up with soggy food, watered down snacks, or the worst- warm beer. Make sure you know these cooler hacks to maximize your summer fun this year!



1. Line your cooler with Reflectix, aluminum bubble wrap. 

You’ll be surprised by what a difference this makes in staying cool, and you’ll thank us later.

2. Use water balloons as ice blocks.

The bigger the ice, the slower it melts, keeping your drinks cooler longer. After, use the water balloons for an epic water ballon fight.

3. Keep food dry.

Put an end to soggy snacks by using drying racks directly in the bottom of the cooler.



4. Maximize your storage. 

A cooler may be beyond useful, but it is small. Maximize storage space by putting Velcro strips on the lid and attaching bags of food or other dry goods there.

5. Seal it

The fact is that you want your cooler to be cold for as long as possible. Use a yoga mat or piece of dark colored foam at the top to keep cold in.



6. Make it float

For pool goers this might be the best hack yet. Caulk your cooler to seal any cracks, attach some pool noodles, and there you go, floating cooler.

7.  Eggs-ellent idea

Camping or staying overnight? Don’t stick the entire carton of eggs in the ice chest. Instead crack and put all the yolks in a water bottle or similar jug.

8. Do a wheelie

Coolers with wheels are mighty convenient, but the wheels are not the best. Upgrade your wheels to larger tires then you can pull that cooler just about anywhere.


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