Melon Madness: Quenching Summer Melon Beers

by / Tuesday, 10 May 2016 / Published in Random Ravings, Take a break!

One of the most iconic and thirst quenching summer fruits is melon– specifically watermelon. While appropriately named for its composition of mostly water, the fleshy pink fruit is succulent with a unique sweetness that evokes park picnic table nostalgia. Here is a list some some unconventionally fruit-inspired beers to satisfy your green rind cravings.


Shipyard Melonhead


Shipyard Melonhead is brewed in Maine and is available seasonally beginning in spring. It is golden in color with a malt style of pale ale, Munich light, and wheat. The beer made its way to the market in 2013 and has a juicy bitterness from watermelon rind and is less sweet than most fruit beers.


Hell or High Watermelon


21st Amendment Brewery’s Hell or High Watermelon beer is one of the fresher tasting and more authentically flavored watermelon beers you can find. It is available from April through September and has a dry yet quenching flavor profile that tastes like real watermelon. It can be found in cans as well as on draft.


Heavy Melon Watermelon Lime Ale


New Belgium’s Heavy Melon watermelon lime ale has a subtle summertime melon flavor behind its full bodied ale flavor. The melon is paired with lime zest for a profound yet light palate cleansing summer beverage.


Leinenkugel’s Watermelon Shandy


Leinenkugel’s Watermelon Shandy is the newest addition to the family and can now be found in the seasonal Summer Shandy Sampler available from March until August. The flavor profile is sugary yet light, similar to watermelon flavored candy. The sampler is a fun way to get acquainted with unconventional flavors, perhaps convincing you to branch out to different brands.



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